Tuesday, October 11, 2011

my topic

      Alcoholics Annonumus is a place where people with a drinking problem go to get help . Everybody there does not judge each other. They dont judge  because they all want to help each other get through what is happening to them . Some people are not alcoholics no more so they might help out others who are.

      Evey body there doesnt talk about there religion or there belifes or opinions on things they just talk about alcohol and the effects it has has on there lives.  People stand up and talk about why they drink and how it changed there lives.They ask why they want to get clean so they wont drink eny more.

      people in the  organisation AA learn that alcohol  does not solve your problems . by drinking alcohol they damage there health . they could get alcohol poisening  and could die. there liver would stop working bacause thats the effect alcohol has on you.

     they talk about personal experience, feelings, struggles valued over opinions. they talk about how they thought that they wernt  alcoholics. or how they said they just like to have a drink once in a while, but they help them relise why the started drinking in the first place.
     they continue there meetings until they fully relize why they drank in the first place. what they felt during and after drinking. if they thought that drinking helped or worsened there situation. in the end they have to learn that alcohol doesnt solve your problems .

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